Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Me, myself and Bi

Following Jessie J's revelation that she is Bi-sexual, and that on occasion she really does do it like a dude (snort) I got thinking about hip-hop in general and whether if it was a male star who had admitted their bisexuality, they would have been accepted so eadily. And I think the answer is, sadly, no. For a genre that began as a way for a persecuted minority to express their views, it seems glibbly ironic that they would so readily use that platform to denounce another minority. One of the most mocked Hip-Hop videos of recent times is this:

But I am the only one who finds the rather quaint and old fashioned subject matter of dating a girl rather charming? I mean it's infinitely preferable to this:

Which is the most offensive video I've seen since I watched a documentary on the Nuremnberg address. Basically, mainstream hip-hop has problems.

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