Monday, 28 December 2009

Modern life is rubbish.

Society is hard. I'm using society as a verb, not a noun or an adjective as I genuinely feel it's a doing word. I did attempt to conjugate the verb societing or societe, as in “quick everyone- societe now!” and we would all conform to the mundane bullshit game we play everyday, just so everyone else thinks we are getting by, even though in their heads they are just as depressed and fed up of it all as you. So I use society as a verb, it means to conform to the imposed pretending in your head. Try it, it works,

“What are you doing today?”
“I'm society”

O.k, maybe it doesn't. But my point remains. It's hard just existing, simply getting from the moment you wake up and coming full circle to go to sleep is an achievement. Which is why I can't understand people who actually want babies! How can you be so confident in your ability to be a person that, not only do you feel you've mastered the art of being a functioning member of society, but you can actually teach other people to be one? It's astounding to me. When ever I go out and attempt to society it's a futile and laborious attempt at co-existing with other human beings that invariably ends with me curled in foetal position humming the theme tune to gummi bears at the back of a bus. People should take more care when having children- some people seem to put less thought into the decision to procreate, than I do over what breakfast cereal to eat. Living is hard, trust me I've tried I've failed. We shouldn't subject this onto infantile beings unless we have actual physical barometers of success at society, like butlers and jet ski's. Spiritual success won't cut it I'm afraid, you may have reached the spiritual plateau of nirvana, but it's still not as good as a wii, and you know it. The only hope for us all now is we, as a nation, collectively give up and allow ourselves to be adopted by Angelina Jolie and live in her rainbow house of joy while she farts sunshine. That or you could join me at the back of the bus.

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